In Search of Balance
Balance is essentially a very dynamic ongoing process. Too often we strive for stasis. But stasis is sterile; it means that we have come to a stop – that no growth or change is happening.
Read MoreWhat is acceptance really?
Acceptance clearly does not need to mean the same as being passive. It simply means that I can save myself the energy expenditure on futile emotion and use my energy to find alternative options.
Read MoreWanting The Perfect Plan Can Keep Us Stuck
When we apply machine-like expectations of ourselves, we run the risk of becoming paralysed by the need for perfection. I encountered a young person at that particularly challenging time in life when one must step out of schooling into the rest of one’s life. He was completely stuck because he expected to have a fully formed life plan that would guarantee success and tell him what the next step much be. And, as a result, he could not move forward because he had no plan! With hardly any life experience, having functioned in a fully structured, prescriptive, educational system for more than a...
Read MoreWhen trying to be a good person goes wrong
In a recent coaching process, with a young woman who needed help with her stress and anxiety, I was reminded of the importance of context. She was particularly distressed by the fact that her friends were becoming distant. She also shared that her romantic relationships didn’t last long. During our coaching conversations, it transpired that she was dating men who were clearly unsuitable and, in some cases, dangerous. These relationships also became intimate very quickly. I was perplexed because she is a creative, capable young woman who was working hard at establishing her own business while...
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We wait in a state of near paralysis for our destiny to reveal itself, or for the big dream to come to fruition. In the mean time we are passive and frustrated, doing nothing much of significance.
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